Friday, November 14, 2008

Portal Server Administration Link Missing...

I have recently experienced the an issue with IBM Portal Server 5.1. I have installed the Portal server and it was working fine, after few days i was experimenting with the theme which cost me a lot. After changing the theme when i came back to 'my portal', the administration link was no more available. After lods of google and other search, finally i found the solution to this issue. Sharing with you so that this could help you, if you are in similar situation. The solution is to Reset the theme setting using XMLAccess of the portal server.

Steps are as follows to reset the theme setting of Portal Server:
1. Start the portal server.
2. Go to command prompt \PortalServer\bin
3. Create a xml file inside the same folder (easy to use)
export.xml (export all administration label and pages) the content should be:

On command promt use:
command promt>xmlaccess.bat -in export.xml -user wpsadmin -user wpsadmin -url http://localhost:9081/wps/config -out adminpage.xml
Note:URL you need to replace with your system specific.

4. Next, modify the same export.xml replace the content with.

5. Execute following command
command prompt> xmlaccess.bat -in export.xml -user wpsadmin -user wpsadmin -url http://localhost:9081/wps/config -out themeSetting.xml
Note:URL you need to replace with your system specific.

6. Now search for content-node in adminpage.xml and then for wps.administration then change themeref to default theme object id.
7. Open the themeSetting.xml change the wps.theme.webSphere as default=true and make other theme as default=false.
8. Import both xml to server using following commands.
command prompt> xmlaccess.bat -in adminpage.xml -user wpsadmin -user wpsadmin -url http://localhost:9081/wps/config

command prompt> xmlaccess.bat -in themeSetting.xml -user wpsadmin -user wpsadmin -url http://localhost:9081/wps/config
Note:URL you need to replace with your system specific.

9. Re-start you portal server, you could see you administration link is back.

All the best !! and leave your comments.

Friday, November 07, 2008

are you working with unknown?

when i or you work in India, we don't know the person sits next you always. There are many people, there are many projects and we don't bother to know each other and ultimately gives you a feeling that you working with the unknown people, unknown faces. Which is completely different here in France. When i came here and i have worked in 2 different offices and i have seen and felt a very good gesture by all the employees. all of them even even they dont know me, Came and greet me, and most importantly every day, Which makes you feel that you know every one and you feel that you working with known people know faces. This is very small thing which makes me think how important is the ice-breaker words are, or we name it as greetings "Good morning" "Good day" "Hi" "Hello". We just need these words to make you feel differently and give you different work environment, a friendly environment.

The scenario i am talking may not be same in all the companies there. Because when i was working for Eka Software Solutions, CDAC, it was not the case, there i was knowing almost all of them. But in big multinationals we have this issue, working with unknown. you may give argument that how many people you will greet if there are more then 3 thousand employee. But certainly we can greet the people around the work place. They may not be many.

This one good thing about the work culture here in clermont-ferrand, ATOS offices and Logica Offices.

Write your comments, specially if you disagree with me.

Railway Strike..

Strike ! Strike! -a word we hear more in India, when ever any thing happens our leader calls a strike to protest or even support the cause some time. Well, you may be among us who think that it happens only in India. But its not true, yesterday i have faced a Train Strike here in Clermont-Ferrand,France. The Drivers of SNCF went on a Strike for one day. It completely paralyzed the public transport, we had to take Taxi to reach office.